To Reroute the Cable During Reassembly:
1. Check the position of the cable on the movement arm cam and all
pulleys to ensure that they are properly seated.
Note: To prevent cable damage in the following step, the cable must
be inside the hook and must rest in the central grooves of the
2. Reroute the cable around the lower 6” pulley and inside the hook at
the rear of the pulley mounting bracket.
Figure 20: Thread cable inside the hook
3. Attach the 6" pulley and shoulder bolt to the weight tower using a
¹₄ " hex key. Tighten securely.
4. Route the cable up through the hole in the top corner of the weight
tower, over the pulleys, and down through the hole directly over the
weight plates.
The following illustration shows how the cable is rerouted to the weight
stack frame.
Note: Visually check the pulleys to ensure that they are aligned to avoid
cable friction and positioned as shown in the illustration.
Figure 21: Cable rerouting
Lat Pulldown Assembly and Delivery Guide: Disassemble the Equipment