User’s Reference Manual: Heart Rate Features 7
Using SmartRate
The SmartRate feature helps you monitor and maintain your heart rate
in the target zone best suited to your specific needs. When the cycle
detects a heart rate, a single LED blinks and indicates the zone that
your heart rate is in.
Important: To use the SmartRate feature, you must enter your age.
If you were not prompted for your age during program selection,
press the OPTIONS key and enter your weight and age. Refer to
Addressing Your Weight and Age.
The 10 LEDs in the SmartRate display are color-coded. Pulsating
orange LEDs indicate you are exercising outside the recommended
heart rate target zone. Green LEDs indicate when you are exercising
within the recommended fat burn or cardio fitness zones.
Table1 shows the percents used in calculating the heart rate target
zones. While your heart rate remains within these zones, the
corresponding lights blink and provide a visual cue.
The calculation used to determine your maximum aerobic heart rate is
(220 minus your age). When you multiply it by the percent indicated in
Table1, you can understand the relationship between the pulsating
LED and your target heart rate.
CAUTION: Your heart rate should never exceed 85% of your
maximum aerobic heart rate or go above PEAK. If it does,
immediately reduce your pedaling speed or adjust the resistance
to return your heart rate to your physician-recommended target
Table 1. Heart rate target zones and SmartRate LEDs
Heart Rate Zone
Percent LE D Lit LED Blinking Zone Label
Below 50 First Orange WARMUP
50 to 54 Second Orange WARMUP
55 to 59 Thi rd Green FAT BU RN
60 to 64 Fourth Green FAT B URN
65 to 69 Fifth Green FAT B UR N
70 to 74 Sixth Green CARD IO
75 to 79 Seventh Green CAR DIO
80 to 84 Eight Green CARDIO
85 to 87 Ninth Orange PEAK
Above 87 Tenth Orange HIG H