7Opening the Software for the First Time
The first time you open the Retrospect software a wizard will guide you through several steps to complete the setup. Follow the steps and click Next to complete the setup.
If you will be using the Exchange Database/ Mailbox backup feature it is important that you enter the License code when prompted by the setup wizard to add more license codes.
License Code HXN9-HJ4M-ANAJ-2TCX
In order to receive two free desktop client licenses, you must register the software. You will be prompted to register during the start up wizard.
It is also important that the user logged in to run Retrospect has rights to access the Exchange Server. You can set Retrospect to always run as a user with these rights or run as the
Reloading Media: Any time media is moved or removed from the OptiVault it is necessary to clear the media location memory before continuing backup operations. Use the following procedure each time you reload media:
1.Remove all discs from the backup set except for the last disc of each set. Put them in the left bin. Note: Burned discs could be in the right or left bin.
2.Reload blank media in the right bin so the total number of discs in the unit does not exceed 25 discs. Remember, the last disc may be located in the drive so don't forget to include it in your media count!
3.Open Configure on the left navigation menu. Click Devices.
4.Click on Primera OptiVault to Highlight it. Click on the Initialize Elements button to clear the media location memory.
Quick Start
8Performing a Backup
•For instructions on performing a backup or a restore using the Retrospect Software refer to section 4 in the User’s Manual.
•For help with problems setting up a backup job please visit Primera's online Knowledgebase at www.primera.com/knowledgebase.html
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