Printer Configuration
Programming Information This section provides a summary of the printer commands support by the Mt2 Series printers. For complete
details, please refer to the Mt Series Programmer’s Manual.
ASCII Control Characters
Character Hex/Dec Printer Action
EOT 04 / 04 End Of Text
Printer sends EOT to host when buffer is empty.
BS 08 / 08 Backspace
Deletes previous character in buffer.
HT 09 / 09 Horizontal Tab
Tabs to column 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, or to beginning of next line.
LF 0A / 10 Line Feed
Advances to beginning of next line.
VT 0B / 11 Vertical Tab
Advances 5 lines.
FF 0C / 12 Form Feed
Advances 10 lines.
CR 0D / 13 Carriage Return
Advances to beginning of next line.
SO 0E / 14 Shift Out
Defaults to 24 column mode.
SI 0F / 15 Shift In
Defaults to 42 column mode.
XON 11 / 17
Transmitter On
Printer to Host: Printer ready to receive data.
Host to Printer: Host ready to receive data.
AUXON 12 / 18
Printer On
Printer sends AUXON after power on, clearing of printer jam, or paper
XOFF 13 / 19
Printer Receiver is Off
Printer to Host: Print buffer is full or other error condition.
Host to Printer: Host buffer full.
NORM 14 / 20 Returns to default 42 column mode
AUXOFF 15 / 21 Printer Off
Printer sends AUXOFF before power down or upon paper out.
CANCEL 18 / 24
Stops printing, resets printer buffer and restores printer to power up
ESC 1B / 27 Escape
Precedes additional commands as described in the following tables.
EXTEND ON 1C / 28 Extended Print On
Following characters will be printed Double High.
EXTEND OFF 1D / 29 Extended print Off
Following characters will be printed at normal height.