Printer Configuration
Emulation Emulation
Possible Values: Printek*, O’Neil, ZPL-II, Mt3, CPCL, Hex Dump
This feature sets the family of printer commands that may be used by a host application program to control the
various capabilities of the printer. The printer will only respond to commands valid for the currently selected
emulation. For more information, please refer to the MtP400 Series Programmer’s Manual.
Baud Rate Baud Rate
Possible Values: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600*
This feature sets the baud rate for the Serial interface. The value must match the setting used on the host
Data Bits Data Bits
Possible Values: 7, 8*
This feature sets the number of data bits in the serial character frame. The value must match the setting used on
the host system.
Stop Bits Stop Bits
Possible Values: 1*, 2
This feature sets the number of stop bits included in the serial character frame. The value must match the
setting used on the host system.
Parity Parity
Possible Values: None*, Even, Odd
This feature sets the parity checking requirements for the data bits in the serial character frame. The value must
match the setting used on the host system.