Printer Configuration
Figure 12 - Paper Guides
Insert This
End First
Snap In This
End Second
Auto Power Down
Possible Values: Off*, 1 Minute Delay … 15 Minute Delay
This feature sets whether the printer will automatically power down and if so, after what period of time of
inactivity. If set to a value other that “Off”, the printer will automatically turn itself off after the specified
number of minutes have passed since the printer last received data or last printed, whichever is longer.
Print Promo
Possible Values: No*, Yes
When set to “Yes” this feature causes a previously stored graphic image with an ID value of “$” to be printed at
the end of each print job.
This feature may be used to print a special logo or graphic image of a special sales promotion or other event.
Please refer to the MtP Series & FieldPro Programmer’s Manual for more information on storing graphics and
Print Header
Possible Values: No*, Yes
When set to “Yes” this feature causes a previously stored graphic image with an ID value of “?” to be printed at
the beginning of each print job.
Please refer to the MtP Series & FieldPro Programmer’s Manual for more information on storing graphics and