Pulsar LA00011 Program Structure Charge, Discharge, Motor RUN-IN, Matching, Troubleshooting Guide

Models: LA00011

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SET Charge Current:

The charge current can be set variably from 0.1 A to 8.0 A. If not otherwise specified by the battery manufacturer, the quick charge current should be max. twice the nominal capacity for Sub-C cells typically used in model-making.

SET Trickle Current:

This current, which flows after delta peak cutoff, is adjustable from 0.0 A to 0.4 A to achieve the highest possible voltage for NiCd cells. Set this function to Off for NiMH cells.

SET Charge Mode:

The PCC comprises two charging processes.

1.“Linear” = charge at constant charge current. Usual process for competition batteries.

2.“Flex” = charge current is interrupted by short discharge pulses. Optimizes the crystalline structure of the cell interior and hikes performance for older and less used packs.

SET D-Peak (delta peak):

You only obtain the best battery full charge if you “overload” the battery slightly. In practice, it isn’t overcharged but at optimum full charge. The battery voltage drops at the end of the charging process (delta). The size of the drop (delta peak) is adjustable in the range from 5 mV to 80 mV. The higher the value, the hotter the battery will be at charge end. We recommend you start with the factory setting of 20 mV.


The 10 A discharge circuit of the PCC was specially developed to discharge 6- and 7-cell battery packs since these are the numbers of cells used in competition. 4- and 5-cell battery packs can also be discharged. However, in this case, the discharge current is smaller.

The PCC informs you about all the data relating to the battery pack, e.g. discharge time, capacity and average voltage. By discharging your battery pack on the PCC after use, you obtain vital information about residual capacity for the next time you use your motor or change gear ratio.

This also maintains your battery packs in good order. For best maintenance, we recommend the use of LRP Discharger #41350.

SET Discharge Voltage:

The cut-off voltage can vary from 3.6 V to 6 V depending on the number of cells. We recommend a cutoff of 0.9 V per cell. This means 3.6 V for a 4-cell pack, or 5.4 V for a 6-cell pack.


You can use this function in a number of ways, e.g.:

Running in the motor or motor brushes (check for excess current consumption).

Powering com-lathes

Powering 7.2 V soldering irons

The voltage setting (you can change this during operation), current and operating time are displayed.

SET Motor Run-In Voltage:

The voltage is continuously variable from 2.0 V to 7.2 V. We recommend a voltage of 4.0 V for running in motor brushes. The special run-up electronics allow trouble-free running-in of motors with very high no-load currents and low number of turns when you set the charger to low voltages.


This fully automatic matching program allows you to determine the actual performance of your packs before using them. Battery packs change during their life span. Use the PCC to detect the actual quality of your packs. This prevents nasty surprises. The “Matching” feature uses the values stored under “Settings”. The pack is first discharged, then charged and finally discharged. At the end of the process, the pack capacity and the average discharge voltage are displayed.


The PCC is protected against faults and operator errors by the Multiprotection System. Faults are displayed on the LCD. Some faults may interrupt the charging session.


Possible Cause:







Wrong battery polarity

Operation interrupted after 4 s warning buzzer






Short-circuit at output

(returns to Main menu).






Battery defect







No contact to battery







Input voltage too low

Resumes automatically when input






No input voltage

voltage restored











Connector on PS/car battery gone













No. of cells on discharge > 7

Interrupted after 4 s warning buzzer







(returns to Main menu).

Current consumption of motor is > 9.5 AInterrupted after 4 s warning buzzer

Armature shorted(returns to Main menu).

No contact to motor

LCD: LCD stays dark, no function change the fuse

Fan: Fan is program-controlled and only runs when necessary. If fan still doesn’t run, there is no fault.

Input Low: If input voltage too low, the PCC will continue to charge and set the charge current automatically to make sure full battery charge is achieved. If this function is active, “Inp Low” appears in the LCD alternating with the input voltage reading. You cannot increase the charge current manually.

Fuse: The PCC has an additional internal fuse which protects the charger from irreparable damage if operated incorrectly! The PCC is supplied with a replacement fuse. It is easy to replace.

Proceed as follows: Make sure that nothing is connected to the PCC. Slacken two screws in the housing base and fold open the housing. Remove the defective fuse. Insert a new fuse and then close the PCC.


LRP electronic grants 1 year full warranty on the Pulsar Competition Charger from the date of purchase. Your dealer is entitled to replace the charger after verification of the cash receipt and a simple visual inspection.

Before you make a claim concerning this product, please check all the other components on your model and refer to the Troubleshotting Guide to exclude other fault sources.

The only restrictions we make are for gross operator errors such as water damage, mechanical damage, improper tampering inside the device, cut wires, incorrect connection to mains or voltage overload.

In these cases, your dealer will offer you a partial warranty. You will receive a replacement charger free of charge despite the product defect, but you will have to pay for the operator errors as listed below.

You can also return the defective product directly to LRP. This applies both to the warranty claims, operator errors and defects which occur outside the warranty period. If you have a warranty claim, you must send in the cash receipt and a description of the defect. We hope you will appreciate that, in this case, our engineers must test the returned product to make sure that an operator error was not the cause for the defect.

Outlay lumpsum costs for operator error within warranty period:

• No or damaged power cord

approx. 18.-

Housing damaged

approx. 20.-

• Water in housing, water damage approx. 36.-

• PCB/components damaged approx. 23.-

• Solder on PCB

approx. 36.-


Repair prices plus statutory VAT

Maximum repair costs for operator error are 50% of original purchase price.

LRP products are manufactured to extremely stringent quality criteria. Since we cannot supervise the proper use of our products, we can accept no liability for direct or indirect damage of any type arising from their use or occurring to the property of the user and/or third parties. Therefore, any use of this product shall take place at the user’s own risk. The warranty claim may not exceed the value of this product in any case. By putting this product into operation you accept the above conditions and assume full responsibility for the use of this product.

Defects outside of warranty period:

Defective products can also be returned to your dealer or directly to LRP electronic for repair or replacement outside of the warranty period.

General warranty conditions:

The figures specified by LRP electronic concerning weight, size, charge current or other are intended as guidance values only. LRP electronic can accept no formal liability for such specifications as different values may result from technical changes made to the product in the interests of technical progress.

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Pulsar LA00011 dimensions Program Structure Charge, Discharge, Motor RUN-IN, Matching, Troubleshooting Guide