CUE: To define and record a return point from which playback it again.
PLAY/PAUSE: Each time you press the PLAY/PAUSE button, the operation changes fro m play to pause or from
pause to play.
6.OUT BUTTON (LO OP BUTTON): When you press this button, you set the end poin t of the seamless loop
and you start the loop. To finish the loop, press again this button.
7.RELO OP BUTTON (LOOP SYST EM): This button is use d to start the last save d loop. To finish the loop,
press the reloop button.
ID3: When you pressing the ID3 button, Able to show the name of songs on led display.
PITCH CONTROL: Use this fader to increase or decrease the speed of the track. Slide up to decrease the
pitch and slide down to increase the pitch.
USB PORT: Allows the connection of any USB memory stick.
TIME BUTTON: Used this knob to choose the time mode, Elapsed time, remaining time or total remaining
REPEAT BUTTON: Use this button to repeat one track or all the track of the CD.
SINGLE: Press thes e to switch betwee n the SINGLE and CONT INUE play mode . The selected mode is
indicated on t he LCD. In SING LE mode, af ter each tra ck, the unit st ops the rea ding. In CON TINUOUS
mode, the unit read all track and stops.
USB/SD: To select audio source between USB storage and SD card.
PITCH BEND - BUTTON: The pitch will drop while the - button is pressed and return to the origina l pitch when it
is released.
PITCH BEND + BUTTON: The pitch will automatically rise when the + button is pressed and return to the original
pitch when it is released.
PITCH BUTTON: If you this button, the adjustement of the pitch potentiometer is available.
FOLDER/TRACK SEARCH: Allows you to navigate through folders or tracks similarly in either USB or CD mode.
When navigating a standard CD turn the rotary to the right to advance the selection or turn the rotary to the left to
decrease the selection.
13.SD CAR D SLOT : Slo t for in sert ing SD c ard. T he con tact s of th e card m ust po int do wnwa rds. T he
unit cann ot read c ards wi th a capa city of m ore tha n 4GB. Th e unit is n ot comp atibl e to SDHC c ards
and only.
3.RE VERSE : Push t he reve rse bu tton to p lay you r trac k in reve rse, p ush the r evers e butt on agai n to
cancel t his fea ture.
IN BUTTON (LOOP SYSTEM): This button sets the beginning point of the loop and light is illuminate.
DISPLAY: LC D Displ ay lndi cate th e Track/ Numbe rs/Ti me/Re main/ Pitch /Cont inue/ Singl e.
4.SK IP I<< BU TTON: Us e this sw itch to r estar t the tra ck or to se lect th e last tr ack.
8.SK IP >>I BU TTON: Us e this kn ob to sel ect the n ext tra ck.