1.It is cOllsisl of one set of of wireless and 1wo wired microphone input circuits, hoth of th em has separated vol um e control
2. The standard ac cesso ries are VH F high band wireless transm itter
and recei\er.
3 .1t is equipped with
ca ll be c harg e 6 hours co ntinuously, also DC power can be used
directl y.
4.0n cg uilar input fun ction , one audi o input and one jPo d dock arc
5.Tre ble and bas s control are supplied.
6 .E cho control is s uppli ed
7. With yo ltage selector switch for selecting a suitable one according
10 different countries.
!LX " full ran ge dri ver
l.Corrcct power must be used , don't usc any other power c.\.ccpt the specified one .
2.00n't drag the powcrcahlc whcn pull out thc plugs JUSl hold the plug to pull it out from socket.
3.Don't open chassis: il is \cry dangerous e ither o pcn lhe chassis or put your hand inside the chassis, don't do it. Ifthc dcyice is nol under norm:ll working, pull oullhe plug at onee and contact your retailer or nearest distributor.
4.Don'ttakc yo latilc solvcnt such as tolucnc , alcohol, gasoline to clean the surface
5.Plcasc don't put it in a un\'cntilalcd cmironmcnt or at dircct sunlight in summer.
6.Ayoid moi~lurc or rain
Power s1.1pply | I AC200V/50Hz I AC I I0V/60Hz |
| i nc1uding a |
Frequellcyrcspollse | |
SFL | 'J4dH( I W/M) |
I .n .D | < 1% |
Input wirt: d mi c | - 58dDV 600 |
Speaker | 8 .. full rangc dri"cr |
MIS Power | 300W |
InputJaek | 2 X IJ4' wired mi cjacLI X 1/4" (ilJITAR INjack |
| 1 XA udioillpntjaek |
Carrier fi'cqUCllCYra ngc
RF ~t:nsilivily | < |
Image rcjcdio n |
Operationrallge | 100ft |
Carrier ti:equenc)' range : | |
RF power output | ~ lOlllW |
Modulalion level | 15K |
Operation tem l1Cra lnf e |
I'ower ~uppjy | W |
Lnit Hattery I. ife | A ppriJx ,3 I10 llfS |
Mil,; Ballery Life | Ap l'llJ .\.45 H() UTS |
- - - 1- |