IS0054604-00 A 4-1
4Known Issues
This section lists currently known issues and provides a brief explanation of each

QLogic Application Limitations

The RHEL 6.2 and SLES 11 SP2 inbox drivers do not support the following
QLogic applications:
iscli (SANsurfer iSCSI CLI)
qaucli (QConvergeConsole CLI)
The QLogic iSCSI driver and firmware handle discovery and login to targets
in Flash and also export them to sysfs where they can be viewed.
Target entries that have been made persistent in Flash on RHEL 6.2 and
SLES 11 SP2 cannot be managed by the Open-iSCSI iscsiadm interface.
All newly added targets can be managed by Open-iSCSI.

CHAP Limitations

At present, the CHAP entries in Flash cannot be updated or deleted using