SETUP- Supporting the rear of the amplifier
If transporting the amplifier in a loaded equipment rack, support the rear of the amplifier using rear
rack ears. They are optional and not included with the amplifier. QSC’s Technical Services Group has
the rear rack ear kits for sale.
The rear ear kit mounts two ways (shown below):
- using machine screws to secure the amplifier to the rear ears
- using a post and the notch to support the rear.
Method 2- The post is
installed on the rear ears,
then the ears attached to
the rack using screws. The
amplifier is then installed
from the front of the rack
and the notch in the
amplifier’s rear chassis tab
slides over the post.
Method 1- The amplifier is
first installed and secured
to the front rack rails. The
rear ears are then secured
to the amplifier and to the
rails using screws.
Supporting the rear of the amplifier
Refer to the instructions that come with the optional
rear rack ear kit! Information is for reference only.