Use the L AN menu to configure the LAN IP a ddress for the BL W- 0 4 E X
and to enable the DHCP server for dynamic client address allocation.
Set a period for the lease time if required. For home networks this may be
set to “Forever”, which means there is no time limit on the IP address lease.
IP Address Pool
A dynamic IP start address may be specified by the user, e.g.
(default value). Once this start IP address has been assigned, IP addresses
running from to will be part of the dynamic IP
addre ss p ool. IP ad dres ses from 192.1 68.1.2 to 192. 168.1.99 , an d to will be available as static IP addresses.
Remember not to include the address of the BLW-04EX in the client address
pool. Also remember to configure your client PCs for dynamic IP address
The BLW- 0 4 E X ’s management interface features a Setup Wizard and a n
Advanced Setup section. Use the Setup Wizard if you want to quickly setup
the BLW-04EX for use with a cable modem or DSL modem.
Advanced setup s upports more advanced function s like hacker attack
detection, IP and MAC address filtering, intrusion detection, virtual server
setup, virtual DMZ hosts, as well as other advanced functions.
Making Configuration Changes
Configurable pa rameters have a dialog box or a drop-dow n list. Once a
configuration change has been made on a page, be sure to click the “Apply”
or “Next” button at the bottom of the page to enable the new setting.
To ensure proper screen refresh after a command entry, be sure that Internet
Explorer 5.0 is c onfigured as follows: Under the menu “To o l s / I n t e r n e t
Options/General/Temporary Internet Files/Settings,” the setting for “Check
for newer versions of stored pages” should be “Every visit to the page.”
41Navigating the Web Browser Interfact
42Setup Wizard