can miss. Then it will be the other monster’s


If you choose an item, your first item in
inventory comes up on the screen. Scroll
through your inventory until you find the item
you want. Just make sure you choose an item
that is compatible with the type of monster you
are using (you know, Tech, Power or Magic).
And remember, you only get to use an item
once. Then it gets zapped back to whatever
UPC-Acode you found it in.
Secret Flux Hint: Sometimes you get an
unlabeled potion as an item. Be VERY careful
before you let your monster drink it.
Sometimes it’s good, but sometimes it’s


You can rearrange the order of your team
during a battle. But be careful, when you
choose the switch option, you lose a turn and
possibly miss out on the advantage of a first
Using a combination of items and attacks,
battle the opposing monsters until all three
monsters on one team are knocked out. If the
opposing monsters lose, their molecules are
once again scattered and are returned to their
original UPC-Acodes. If your monsters lose,
they remain trapped in your controller but are
either knocked out or poisoned until you can
heal them. See “Healing Your Monsters”

Battling AFriend’s Collection of


From the Main Menu, both you and your friend
choose the “V.S.” feature and place your
controllers against each other, connecting the
tabs and slots at the top of them, making sure
that they snap together.
This is just like battling incompatible monsters
from random UPC-Acodes. However, if your
opponent’s team loses, his or her monsters
still remain trapped inside the controller.
They’re knocked out, but trapped.
Secret Flux Hint: If you break away from a
friend’s controller during a battle, you have 10
seconds to restore the connection before you
lose the game. You will still retain the
monsters you have collected, but your
battle will be over.

Healing Your Monsters

After many battles, even the best of us get our
monsters knocked out once in a while. Keep
the Radica UPC-A(bar code) from your
Skannerz package. The only way that your
monsters can be healed is by scanning a
UPC-A (bar code) from any Radica Game
package. If your monster is knocked out, it is
not active and the “KO” symbol will flash at the
bottom of your screen. Choose “heal” from
the Main Menu. The knocked out monsters
show on the screen automatically. Press the
On • Abutton and scan any Radica UPC-A.
Secret Flux Hint: The Bar Code on the back
cover of your Skannerz comic book will heal
your monsters.
Secret Flux Hint: Keep a log of what codes
generated each monster and item. You may
need to find them again if you reset your

Sleep Mode

After 60 seconds of inactivity, your controller
will automatically go into “sleep mode”. To
turn it on again, simply press the On • A
buttonand the controller will return to the last
screen you were viewing.


This game is powered by three (3) AAA
Using a screwdriver, loosen the screw until
the battery compartment door can be
Insert three (3) AAA batteries (We
recommend alkaline) as indicated inside the
battery compartment.
Replace the battery compartment door and
tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Do not





s with all small batteries, the

batteries used with this game

should be kept away from

small children who might still

put things in their mouths. If a

battery is swallowed, consult a

physician immediately.

Be sure you insert the battery

correctly and always follow the

game and battery

manufacturer’s instructions.

Do not dispose of batteries in


Batteries might leak if

improperly installed, or

explode if recharged,

disassembled or heated.


Handle this game carefully.
• Store this game away from dusty or dirty
• Keep this game away from moisture or
extreme temperature.
• Do not disassemble this game. If a problem
occurs, press the Reset button, or remove
and replace the batteries to reset the game
or try new batteries. If problems persist,
consult your warranty card for replacement
• Use only the recommended battery type.
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc)
or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
• Do not use rechargeable batteries.
• Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable
• Remove any exhausted batteries from the
• Do not short-circuit the supply terminals.
• Insert batteries with the correct polarity.
IMPORTANTNOTE: You have 30 seconds
to change batteries without losing your
stored data. Your SKANNERZ controller
must be in sleep mode when changing
batteries or you will lose all of your stored
monsters and items.