SOUND ICON - Press this button t o turn the sound ON or
OFF. A high tone indicates when the sound is ON, and a
low tone indicates when the sound has been turne d OFF.
SCROLL BUTTONS – Use these t wo buttons to move
forward or backward through the firs t four questions. Also,
press the LEFT SCROLL b utton to increase the speed o f the
scrolling text, and press the RIGH T SCROLL button t o slow
it down.
WINGS – Each wing is removable. When transpo rting the
game, you can easily remove the wings by simply sliding
them out of each slot. Keep the wings in a pocket, a pu rse
or a secret hiding place until you are ready to inser t the
wings once again.
Hold on to your wand! Test your Harry Pot ter™ knowledge
and pit your wits against the all-knowing 20 Q™. Think of
any Harry Potter™ topic and 20Q™ will read your mi nd!
This A.I. wizard contains conten t from Books 1-7 and
Movies 1-5. Removable Wings (for ease of tran sportation),
Display Stand, Built-in Light and an UND O button that lets
you change your mind add to the excitement and challenge.
It’s up to you to find out if 20Q™ is faster than a… G olden


YES/NEW GAME – Press t his button to turn the unit
ON. This button will also allow you to answer “ YES” to a
question or prompt. To start a NEW G AME, press and hold
this button until the unit clears and a new game b egins.
NO – Use this button to answer “NO” to a ques tion.
SOMETIMES – Press this butt on to answer “depends” or
“maybe” to a question or prompt.
UNKNOWN – Press this button i f the question is irrelevant
or if the answer is “UNKNOWN.”
UNDO – This button will allow you to change your pr evious
answer by going back to the prior question.
ERESET - If the game begins to malfunctio n, insert a blunt
point and press the RESET but ton. This action will RES ET
the game to its original settings.
SLEEP MODE - After 60 seconds of in activity, the game will
automatically shut down, going into SLE EP MODE. To turn
it on again, simply press the ON button and t he game will
start where you ended play.


Although you won’t win, I’ll tell you how to play anyway !
Press the ON button to turn the unit on o r to wake the unit
from SLEEP MODE. To start a new ga me, press and hold the
NEW GAME button until t he current game clears, and then I
will ask if you are READY to play. If you’re ready, press t he
YES button and think of anything re lated to Harry Potter™.
I will ask you a series of questions before I gues s what
you’re thinking. However, I will always begin with the
same set of questions: Are you a Pers on, Place, Thing or
Unknown? There are two ways to answer the fi rst four
questions. First, you can answer each que stion with YES
or NO. Or, you can toggle between these four questi ons by
pressing the LEFT SCROL L or RIGHT SCROL L buttons to
identify the question that is correc t and answer YES.
When I ask the remaining questions, answer hone stly by
pressing one of the answer buttons ( YES, NO, SOMET IMES,
UNKNOWN). If yo u answered a question incorrect ly, press
the UNDO button to return to the pr ior question and change
your answer. I will try to guess what you are thinking
before I have asked 20 questions. However, I may ask you
a total of 20 questions. At this point, I wil l try to guess
what you’re thinking. If I guess correctly, press t he YES
button. If for some strange reaso n I guess incorrectly, I will
ask you five more questions then guess again.
When I correctly guess what you are thinkin g, I win! If all
my guesses are wrong, you win. But don’t worry - t hat will
never happen...
Good luck! You’re going to need it!


This game is powered by two (2) A AA (LR03 ) batteries.
• Using a screwdriver (not included ), loosen the screw
until the battery compartment do or can be removed.
• Insert two (2) A AA (LR 03) batteries as indi cated inside
the battery compartment.
• Replace the battery compa rtment door and tighten the
screw with a screwdriver. Do not over-tighten.
• Batteries included are for dem onstration purposed.
• For longer life use only alkaline bat teries
For 1 player / Ages 8 and up
P/N 823B4500 Rev.B
Display Stand