Ramsey Electronics DA-1 manual Introduction, Antenna Description

Models: DA-1

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Welcome to your new dipole antenna. Dipole antennas are an extremely popular form of antenna today, because they satisfy the demands of almost any application! There are not many antenna designs that are so low cost, simple and “invisible”. You may not know that they are also exceptionally good radiators, beating many other antennas hands down. Their exceptional qualities on low frequency bands such as 160, 80 and 40 meters is also a great advantage over antennas many times their price.

As you may know, living in a neighborhood with other people may immediately lead to problems with neighbors who are worried about the effect that your antenna will have on them. Many people are worried about your ham gear interfering with their television sets or radios. In addition, many people who simply don’t know enough about your hobby may think that it could attract lightning to their houses, or even fall off of your roof (heaven forbid!) This is where the “invisible” properties of a dipole are so important. In a short day’s work, you can install your antenna that to even the nosiest neighbor might be strained to see.

But the great thing is that your antenna is also a great radiator. Is it any wonder why hams who spend over a thousand dollars on beam antennas for 20, 15 and 10 meters also own dipoles to work the 160, 80 and 40 meter bands? In fact, dipoles are one of the oldest, and most tested antennas in existence. This is why we are proud to offer you a reliable, time tested antenna design at low cost.


Your Ramsey antenna has been designed for practicality, performance and price. Every effort has been made to offer you not only high quality parts, but also an affordable price that will make beginners starting in the hobby, or avid hams looking for a second antenna feel good. Because we offer a range of antennas, each designed for a different band, you will notice that this book encompasses each of them. In the tables provided, use the data that best resembles your particular purpose and needs.

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Ramsey Electronics DA-1 manual Introduction, Antenna Description