Realistic PRO-16A manual Control Location And Function

Models: PRO-16A

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OFF-VOLUME is the power switch and Volume control. When not in use, rotate this control to the left to turn it off.

SQUELCH control is to eliminate annoying background noise between signal transmissions. When properly set, Squelch will keep the PR0-16A silent until a signal comes in on the channel(s) you are listening to-then,the Squelch circuit will "open" and you hear the signal.

MANUAL SELECTOR Button-whenthe SCAN/MANUAL button is in the MANUAL position (out), use this button to advance the Receiver to the next channel in sequence . Each time you press this button, the Receiver will advance just one channel.

SCAN/MANUAL Button is for determining the function of the scan- ning feature. In the SCAN (in) position, each channel will be scanned automatically. In the MANUAL (out) position, the PR0-16A will not scan, but will remain tuned to the channel indicated by a Lighted Channel Indicator.

SCAN RATE Control-adjust for the desired rate of automatic scan- ning. In the SLOW position, you'llbe scanning the channels at about 10 per second; FAST will give you a rate of about 20 per second . Use the setting that results in a minimum of missed calls (practice and experience will help you find the best setting).

DELAY Button-whenyou press this button in, you activate a circuit which holds the scanner on channel for about 2 seconds after the carrier has gone off the air, before the scanning function once again takes over. To defeat this Delay feature, press again to release the button.

Channel Lock-out Button/Channel Indicator Lights (PROGRAM)-inthe "in" position (button pressed in), that channel is active. When you press the button again (to pop it "out"), that channel is automatically "lock out" and will not function .

The buttons light up to show which channel(s) is active . During scan- ning, these lights light up in sequence; when the receiver is operative on one of the channels, the light for that channel will go on. When the Channel Lock-out Button for that channel is out, that Light will not light.

PRIORITY Button-willlock in channel 1 for priority reception over any other active channel. Thus, when pressed in, if a signal comes on this channel, the Receiver will automatically lock-in on it and will stop scanning. When the signal ceases on this channel, the receiver will start scanning once again.

VHF Antenna Jack-forVHF reception, connect an antenna to this jack. Use an antenna such as Catalog Number 20-161 (indoo r opera- tion).

UHF Antenna Jack-connectan external antenna to this jack for UHF reception. Use an antenna such as Radio Shack Catalog Number 20-451 (indoor operation).

TAPE OUT Jack-forrecording " off-the-air", you can connect your tape recorder directly to this jack.

Headphone/External Speaker jack is for plugging in a headphone or an external speaker. Use it for private listening, or in areas where back- ground noise is excessive (in factories, at the scene of an accident or fire, in a vehicle, etc.). If you want a remote speaker, plug it il'.lhere. Connecting a plug to this jack automatically disconnects the internal speaker.

Mounting Bracket-thisuniversal type bracket is provided for quick and easy installation in a vehicle, boat or for permanent installation in a base station situation.

Line Cord-forAC operation, plug into a source of 120 volts, 60 Hz, AC power.

Crystal /Program Switch Compartment-removescrews to open the case bottom to install or replace crystals.

DC Power jack is for connecting an external source of 12 volts DC, negative ground . This will permit you to use the PR0-16Ain a vehicle or boat.


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Realistic PRO-16A manual Control Location And Function