2 / 4
1.8 [Disassembly] WindowAt address specification to open the [Disassembly] window, when a value larger than the maximum one of
the absolute address is input, the contents of the last address may not be displayed. In this case, do not
perform scrolling with the scroll box on the scroll bar in the [Disassembly] window.
If nothing is displayed on the Code or Assembly column in the [Memory] window or [Disassembly]
window, close and open again the [Memory] window or [Disassembly] window.
1.9 [Trace] Window• Note when the Number of Acquired Records is 1
When the number of acquired trace records is 1, the trace result may not be displayed on the [Trace]
If no data is displayed on the [Trace] window even if "Trace - 1 record (no filter)" is displayed on the title
bar in the [Trace] window, open the [Trace] window again.
When the trace is acquired with the trace window opened and when the number of acquired records is 1,
the displayed data is illegal. Update the data by reopening the [Trace] window.
• Note when Time Stamp Setting is Changed
Even if the valid/invalid setting for the Time Stamp is switched in the [Trace Acquisition] dialog box, the
header character string in the [Trace] window is not changed.
When the valid/invalid setting is switched, open the [Trace] window again.
• Filter
When the trace filter function is used, the information of the Address and Source columns in the [Trace]
window does not match. When the filter function is used, ignore the source information displayed on the
Source column.
1.10 [Memory Mapping] Dialog BoxEven if the [Reset] button is clicked, the mapping information is not reset to the default setting. When the
mapping information is reset to the default setting, once close the [Memory Mapping] dialog box with the
[Close] button after clicking the [Reset] button.
1.11 Note on Setting Change Operation from BP ColumnWhen the execution time measurement start point (+Time) or trace start point (+Trace) is clicked with the
right mouse button, a pop-up menu is displayed. An item in this pop-up menu may not be changed to
another one. In this case, change the item with double-clicking or from the [Breakpoints] window or
[Trace] window directly.
1.12 Note on [Registers] Window Operation during Program ExecutionDuring program execution, when the [Registers] window is double-clicked, a dialog box to change the
register contents is displayed. However, the operation to change the register contents during program
execution becomes invalid.
1.13 [Breakpoints] WindowDuring user program execution, it is impossible to jump to the corresponding source line or address line on
the [Source] or [Disassemble] window from a breakpoint by using Go to Source in the pop-up menu that is
displayed on the [Breakpoints] window.
1.14 Profile FunctionThe E6000 HDI does not support the profile function (section 13.10, Profile-List, section 13.11, Profile-
Tree, and section 13.12, Profile-Chart, described in Hitachi Debugging Interface User's Manual).
1.15 [I/O Registers] WindowThe E6000 HDI does not support the invalid module display and bit information display in the [I/O
Registers] window (described in section 8, Displaying Variables, in the Hitachi Debugging Interface User's
1.16 Compare MemoryThe Compare Memory function, which can be used by selecting [Compare...] from the [Memory] menu, is
not supported.