8. When you use the emulator without connecting it to the user system, ensure that the SW1
jumper pin is inserted to [USER-OFF]. While no pin or SW1 jumper pin is inserted to
[USER-OFF], the emulator supplies 3.3-V power to DrVCC, which is the power supply
exclusively used for USB.
9. To connect the emulator to the user system, ensure that the SW1 jum per pin is inserted to
[USER-ON]. While SW1 jumper pin is inserted to [USER-ON], the emulator does not supply
power to DrVCC, which is the power supply exclusively used for USB. Thus the power must
be supplied from the user system instead.
10. Do not connect a 5-V signal to any pin, including the USB pins. Incorrect usage will cause
damage to the emulator product, user system interface board, and user system.