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3.5 Making an MCU File for M3T-PD30It is necessary to change the contents of the MCU file according to the MCU to be developed. Make
the MCU file in the directory same as emulator debugger M3T-PD30 (M30220.MCU for M30220
Group MCU and M30221.MCU for M30221 Group MCU).
The contents of the MCU file (the SFR area, internal RAM area, internal ROM area, the name of
firmware file) are shown below. Change the settings according to the MCU to be debugged. Use your
editor for modifying the MCU file.
The contents of the MCU file are as follows:
(1) For M30220 Group (M30220.MCU)
0: SFR area Start address
3FF : End address
400 : Internal RAM Start address
1BFF : End address
E8000 : Internal ROM Start address
FFFFF : End address
M30620B : Name of firmware file (Do not change)
0: Expansion No. M3T-PD30 V.4.00 or later required (Do not change)
(2) For M30221 Group (M30221.MCU)
0: SFR area Start address
3FF : End address
400 : Internal RAM Start address
9FF : End address
FA000 : Internal ROM Start address
FFFFF : End address
M30620B : Name of firmware file (Do not change)
0: Expansion No. M3T-PD30 V.400 or later required (Do not change)