1. Outline
The M30291T-64FPD is a converter board for connecting the
emulation probe M30290T-EPB for the M16C/26A, 28, 29
Groups and the compact emulator M30290T2-CPE to a foot
pattern for M16C/28, 29 Group 64-pin 0.5-mm-pitch LQFP
2. Package Components (See Figure 1)
(1) M30291T-64FPD (base board M30290T-PTCB and
150mm FFC cable included) 1 pc.
(2) YQPACK064SD (made by Tokyo Eletech Corporation) 1 pc.
(made by Tokyo Eletech Corporation) 1 pc.
(4) YQ-GUIDE (made by Tokyo Eletech Corporation) 4 pcs.
(5) M30291T-64FPD User's Manual (This manual) 1 pc.
3. Specifications
Table 1 Specifications
Applicable package 64P6Q-A
(64-pin 0.5-mm-pitch LQFP)
Between M30291T-64FPD and
100 times guaranteed Insertion/removal
iterations of
connector Between M30290T-EPB or
M30290T2-CPE and
50 times guaranteed
4. Usage (See Figure 2)
The M30291T-64FPD can be used for debugging and board
mounted evaluation in common by mounting the
NQPACK064SD-ND on the user system.
(1) For debugging
Mount the NQPACK064SD-ND and YQPACK064SD on
the foot pattern of the user system in that order. And fix
them with the YQ-GUIDE’s (do not use the screws
included with the YQPACK064SD).
After connecting the M30290T-EPB or M30290T2-CPE
and M30291T-64FPD, connect the M30291T-64FPD to
the YQPACK064SD.
(2) For onboard evaluation
Mount an M16C/28, 29 Group MCU and
HQPACK064SD (separately available) in that order on the
NQPACK064SD-ND on the user system. And fox them
using a screw included with the HQPACK064SD.
Before using the M30291T-64FPD, be sure to read "7.
Precautions" on page 4 and the M30290T-EPB or
M30290T2-CPE Users Manual.
Figure 1 Package components of the M30291T-64FPD
Figure 2 Usage of the M30291T-64FPD
: No. 1 pin
*: These products are included with the M30291T-64FPD package.
64-pin 0.5-mm-pitch
(64P6Q-A) foot pattern
YQ-GUIDE (x4) *
(separately available)
(1) Debugging
(2) On-board evaluation
MCU with on-chip
flash memory etc.