( 17 / 80 )
Note on Protect Register:•The protect is not canceled when bit 2 of protect register PRCR (PRC2), which enables writing into
the port P9 direction register and the SI/Oi control register, is changed with the below procedure.
(1) Step execution of an instruction setting PRC2 to "1"
(2) Setting a break point between an instruction setting PRC2 to "1" and a point where the port
P9 direction register or the SI/Oi control register is set
(3) Setting PRC2 to "1" by the memory window or script window
Notes on Internal Flash ROM of the MCU:•This product downloads a user program to the flash ROM in an MCU when debugging in single-
chip or memory expansion mode. By checking "Disable the Internal Flash ROM" in the MCU tab
of the MCU setting dialog box of the emulator debugger, you can disable the operation of the
internal flash ROM of the MCU to use the emulation memory. However, the maximum operating
frequency is 10 MHz.
•Because the number of write/erase cycles of the internal flash ROM of the MCU is limited, it must
be replaced at the end of its service-life.
• If the following errors occur frequently when downloading a program, replace the MCU board.
(1) Flash ROM erase error occurred ERROR (16258)
(2) Flash ROM verify error occurred ERROR (16259)
To purchase products for replacement, contact your local distributor.
Notes on Pullup Control:•Because this product emulates some I/O ports (P0 to P5, P10), you can not pullup ports P0 to P5
by the pullup control registers. Install the included resistor arrays (51 kΩ) as necessary.
•The initial value of pullup control register 1 PUR1 of this product is different from that of an actual
MCU. When a Vcc level is input to pin CNVss, the value of an actual MCU is "02h" (bit 1 PU11
is "1"), while that of this product is "00h".
Note on Operating Frequency:•You can not use this product with a main clock (XIN-XOUT) less than 1 MHz. To use it with a main
clock less than 1 MHz, contact your local distributor.