( 16 / 76 )
Notes on Stack Area:• With this product, a maximum 20 bytes of the user stack is consumed as a work area.
•If the user stack does not have enough area, do not use areas which cannot be used as stack (SFR
area, RAM area which stores data, or ROM area) as work area. Using areas like this is a cause of
user program crashes and destabilized emulator control. Therefore, ensure the +20 byte maximum
capacity used by the user program as the user stack area.
•With this product, the interrupt stack pointer (ISP) is set to 0500h and used as stack area after the
reset is released.
Note on Software Break:•A software break generates a break interruption by forcibly inserting a BRK instruction "08h"
instead of an instruction code. Therefore, when referencing the result of a trace in bus mode, "08h"
is displayed for the instruction fetch address where a software break is set.
Notes on Access Prohibited Area:•The emulator control register (000020h--00003Fh) in the SFR is read- and write-protected. When
this register is accessed, emulator control cannot be utilized.
•With this product, address FFFFFFh cannot be read or written in correctly.
Notes on Interrupts:•Even if a user program is not being executed (when the user program is stopped or when run-time
debugging is being performed), the evaluation MCU keeps running so as to control the emulation
probe. Therefore, timers and other components do not stop running.
•When the user program is not being executed (when the user program is paused or when run-time
debugging is being performed), a peripheral I/O interrupt is not accepted. Take note that when the
user program is not being executed, a peripheral I/O interrupt request can be cleared.