8. Precautions
Cautions to Be Taken for Emulator: z For debugging, use this product in the combination with the SDI emulator, M32100-SDI-E, M32170T-SDI,
M32100T2-SDI-E, M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E.
z When using with the M32100T-SDI-E or M32170T-SDI, the following restrictions are applied according to the
MCU operating frequency. The M32192T2-PTC is recommended to use with the M32100T3-SDI-E or
- More than 66 MHz:
Compared with the M32100T2-SDI-E, M32100T3-SDI-E, or M32100T5-SDI-E, more loss of trace information
- 66 MHz or less:
Same as the M32100T2-SDI-E, M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E.
z When using with the M32100T-SDI-E or M32170T-SDI, separately available M3T-PTC-CNV is required.
z When connecting to the M32100T-SDI-E or M32170T-SDI, connect the both cables for connecting the emulator,
the SDI MCU control interface cable (10-pin) and the SDI trace interface cable (20-pin).
z For the precautions for the combination of the emulator, refer to the user’s manual of each emulator.
z For debugging, as the M32192F8VWG (1MB internal Flash ROM) on the M32192T2-PTC is used, be careful about
the difference of the internal ROM size.
z When the clock select switch is set to the “SOCKET” side, the oscillation occurs by itself, be careful about the
difference of the resistance and the capacitor.
z The capacitive load of the all lines of the MCU will increase depending on wirings and connectors. Use the part
whose timing is critical after checking it works properly.
z When connecting the YQPACK144SD, be sure to use the included YQ-GUIDE’s.
z We cannot accept any request for repair.
z For purchasing the NQPACK144SD, YQPACK144SD and HQPACK144SD contact the following:
Tokyo Eletech Corporation http://www.tetc.co.jp/e_index.htm
z For inquiries about the product or the contents of this manual, contact your local distributor.
Renesas Tools Homepage http://www.renesas.com/tools