( 11 / 40 )
Item Product name Quantity
2100-wire half-pitch cable (40 cm) 1
350-wire normal-pitch cable (10 cm) 1
42-wire cable for external trigger signal (50 cm) 1
5PCA4029 pitch converter board 1
6M34551E8FP (MCU for replacement)*21
7OSC-2 oscillator circuit board (J1 connector mounted)*31
8Power code*41
9Rubber legs*44
10 M34551T2-MCU English user's manual (this manual) 1
11 M34551T2-MCU Japanese user's manual 1
3. Contents of the M34551T2-MCU Package3.1 Things to Check When Unpacking
Table 3.1 shows the contents of the M34551T2-MCU package. When unpacking your M34551T2-
MCU package, check to see that all the following components are included.
Table 3.1 Contents of M34551T2-MCU
*1 "M34551T-MCU" is printed on the board.
*2 M34551T2-MCU is shipped from the factory with the M34555M4-002FP mounted as an
evaluation MCU. If using with the 4551 Group, replace the evaluation MCU with the M34551E8FP
*3 The M34551T2-MCU is equipped with the OSC-2 oscillator circuit board for 4.0 MHz when
shipped from the factory. The OSC-2 oscillator circuit board mounted with only J1 connector for
clock frequency alteration is included with the product.
*4 The power cable and rubber legs are used when using the M34551T2-MCU as an evaluation
*5 Keep the packaging carton and cushion material of the M34551T2-MCU to transport it for repair
or for other purposes in the future.
*6 If you find any item missing or faulty, or any suggestion, contact your local distributor.
3.2 Other Necessary Products
To bring forward program development on the 4551/4555 Group, the products given below are
necessary in addition to those contained in the package above. Get them separately to be ready when
(1) Emulator main unit: PC4504
(2) Emulator debugger: M3T-PD45
(3) Programming adapter: PCA7414 (for M34551E8FP)
* An evaluation MCU is not provided for 4555 Group.