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4.2 Downloading Firmware
(1) When It is Necessary to Download Firmware
It is necessary to download firmware when:
(1) you use this product for the first time
(2) the firmware has been upgraded
(3) the emulator debugger has been upgraded
(4) you use this product with the PC4701 which was used with other emulation pod before
(2) Downloading Firmware in Maintenance Mode
Download the firmware in maintenance mode as explained here following. The target system must
not be connected when downloading the firmware.
(1) Within 2 seconds of activating power to the emulator, press the RESET button on the emulator
front panel. This will switch the emulator to maintenance mode.
(2) Start up the emulator debugger. When the Init dialog box setup is completed, the dialog which
urges to download the firmware will appear. Download the firmware following messages.
Required time for downloading the firmware depends on the connection of the interface.
•For serial interface ...........About 7 minutes
•For parallel interface ........ About 30 seconds
Figure 4.2 Downloading firmware in maintenance mode
Note on Downloading Firmware:•Do not shut OFF power while the firmware is being downloaded. Doing so, the
emulator will not start up properly. If power is shut OFF by mistake, redownload the
firmware in maintenance mode.