( 33 / 40 )
(2) Errors Occur When Operating the Emulator Debugger
(When the target system is not connected)
Table 5.2 Checkpoints of errors when starting up the emulator debugger M3T-PD79 (target is not connected)
5.2 Operation Differs from That of Actual MCUs(1) Initializing the Internal Resources of MCU at Power-on
With this product, the internal resources of the MCU are initialized when starting up the emulator.
Therefore, the operation differs from that of actual MCUs.
(2) Oscillator Circuits
Make note of the fact that in the oscillator circuit where a resonator is connected between the XIN and
XOUT pins, oscillation does not occur because a flexible cable, buffer IC and other devices are used
between the emulator MCU and the target system.
(3) Flash ROM 2KB Expansion Area
In the DUMP window of emulator debugger M3T-PD79, the data of flash ROM 2KB expansion area
is displayed regardless of the setting of SFR area.
(4) When the A-D Conversion Values are Different from Expected Values
The A-D converter characteristics differ from actual MCU characteristics because there are a
converter board and other devices between the MCU and the target system. Make the final evaluation
of the A-D converter with the actual MCU.
(5) When the D-A Conversion Values are Different from Expected Values
The D-A converter characteristics differ from actual MCU characteristics because there are a
converter board and other devices between the MCU and the target system. Make the final evaluation
of the D-A converter with the actual MCU.
Communication ERROR
Data is not sent to the target
Target system is not constructed properly
The version of M3T-PD79 and the firmware
on the target are not same
Target MCU cannot be reset
Flash ROM erase error occurred
Target MCU is uncontrollable
Reset target system
Check all emulator debugger settings, interface cable
connections and switches on the rear of the PC4701
- See the user's manuals of the PC4701 and emulator
(1) Download the proper firmware.
- See the user's manual of the emulator debugger.
(2) Recheck the connection between the PC4701, the
emulation pod and this product.
- See "3.3 Connecting the Emulation Pod Main Unit"
(page 22).
- See user's manual of the M37900T2-RPD-E.
Download the proper firmware.
- See the user's manual of the emulator debugger.
(1) Check your emulator debugger M3T-PD79 is Ver.2.10
or greater.
(2) The flash ROM of the MCU may be worn-out. Contact
your local distributor.
(1) Check the program is not accessing to the unused
(2) When using the PLL circuit, check the switch settings
of the pod probe.
- "3.1 Switch Settings" (page 20).