7.1. Standard Project Files
The Renesas Starter Kit tutorials are configured so that it is possible to provide the same tutorial code on multiple Renesas Starter Kit
products. This allows the evaluation of the different processor cores using equivalent code. To achieve this, the following files are common
between all device cores and Toolchains.
Each of the tutorial files has detailed comment text describing the function of each code entry. Please refer to the source code for greater
detail on the purpose and operation of the compiler specific details.
7.1.1. Initialisation code (resetprg.c)
This is the entry point of the main tutorial code.
Initialisation of the variables used in the C compilers and initialisation of stack pointers are completed in the cstartup.s31 file for the IAR
ICC740 compiler, this file in turn calls Initialise();
The call to hardwaresetup() will initialise the device hardware and peripherals ready for the tutorial software.
The call to main() will start the main demonstration code.