1. accessory softwares to install
1) Note the following points before installing.
a) The M3T-NC8C has already been installed.
b) The M3T-NC30WA has already been installed.
c) The emulator software has already been installed.
Install the software attached to this product after uninstalling the above software.
2) The directory and file names including space cannot be used.
3) The sample program uses C compiler, High-performance Embedded Workshop and emulator soft ware to
this product.
4) Do not copy the sample program on “desktop”. Also do not copy it to the folder which includes “space” for
the folder name. “Space” cannot be recognized in High-performance Embedded Workshop.
2. Until a sample program is operated with an emulator software
Follow the procedure below to operate a sample program with an emulator software.
2.1 Flash programmer (Flash development toolkit) Installation
2.2 Emulator Software, C Compiler and High-performance Embedded Workshop Installations
2.3 USB driver installation
2.4 Operate Sample Program

2.1 Flash programmer (Flash development toolkit) Installation

1) Installation
Double-click a CD-ROM ( ¥ programmer ¥ ) installer.
2) An installation procedure is shown.
Read < Read Release Notes>. befor continuing the installation.