32. Choose ‘User Flash Area’ in ‘Firmware Location’ tab.
33. Choose communication baud rate ”500000bps” and press <OK>.
34. The Flash Memory write program is downloaded and the output window in HEW will state ‘Connected’.
35. Right click on the download module listed in the left hand pane and select ‘Download’.
The code will be downloaded to the microcontroller. This may take several seconds.
36. Click the <Reset – Go> button.
The code will run and you will see the LEDs flash on the board.
37. Click the <Stop> button.
The code will stop and the source code will be opened at the current program counter.
5. Next Step After you have completed this quick start procedure, please review the tutorial code and sample code that came with the kit. You c an add projects to the current
workspace by selecting (Project > Insert Project) from the main menu. The tutorials will help you understand the device and dev elopment process using Renesas
Development Tools.
The Hardware manual supplied with this RSK is current at the time of publication. Please check for any updates to the device ma nual from the Renesas internet site at:
The version of the compiler provided with this RSK is fully functional but time limited. You have 60 days to evaluate th e full product before the compiler will limit the code
linker to 64k bytes. Full licensed M16 compiler versions are available from your Renesas supplier.