SH7263/SH7203 Group
Data Transfer to On-chip Peripheral Modules with DMAC
REJ06B0734-0100/Rev.1.00 April 2008 Page 11 of 17 3. Sample Program Listing "main.c" (3) 107 /* ==== Enabling SCIF0 initialization/transfer ==== */
108 io_init_scif0(CBR_115200);
109 /* Communication mode :UART mode */
110 /* Bit rate :115.2Kbps */
111 /* TXI interrupt is generated when data in transmit FIFO is one byte */
112 /* ==== Disabling DMA transfer ==== */
113 io_dma1_stop();
114 while(1){
115 /* Program end */
116 }
117 }
118 /*""FUNC COMMENT""*******************************************************
119 * Outline : Initialization for DATA transfer between memory areas with DMAC
120 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
121 * Include : #include "iodefine.h"
122 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
123 * Declaration : io_init_dma1(void *src, void *dst, size_t size, int mode);
124 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
125 * Function :
The DMAC transfers the amount of data specified by “size”.
126 * :
from the source address “src” to the destination address “dst.”
127 * :
Transfer is performed using requests from the SCIF1.
128 * :
“mode” is specified for transfer size and interrupt used/not used.
129 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
130 * Argument : void *src :
Source address
131 * : void *dst :
Destination address
132 * : size_t size : Transfer size (byte)
133 * : unsigned int mode: Transfer mode, specifies the following with logical OR.
134 * : DMA_SIZE_BYTE (0x0000)
Byte transfer
135 * : DMA_SIZE_WORD (0x0001)
Word transfer
136 * : DMA_SIZE_LONG (0x0002)
Longword transfer
137 * : DMA_SIZE_LONGx4(0x0003) 16-byte transfer
138 * : DMA_INT_DISABLE(0x0000)
DMA transfer end interrupt disabled
139 * : DMA_INT_ENABLE (0x0010) DMA transfer end interrupt disabled
140 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
141 * Return Value : void
142 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
143 * Notice : Operation is not guaranteed when the alignment of the source/destination.
144 * : address is inconsistent.
145 * : When interrupts are used, interrupt routines must be registered.
146 *""FUNC COMMENT END""***************************************************/
147 void io_init_dma1(void *src, void *dst, size_t size, unsigned int mode)
148 {
149 unsigned int ts;
150 unsigned long ie;
152 ts = mode & 0x3u;
153 ie = (mode & 0x00f0u ) >> 4u;
155 /* ====Setting standby control register 2(STBCR2) ==== */
156 CPG.STBCR2.BIT.MSTP8 = 0x0; /* Cancel DMAC module top mode */
158 /* ---- Setting DMA channel control register ---- */
159 DMAC.CHCR1.BIT.DE = 0ul; /* Disable DMA transfer */