Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 17 of 760
Number of Pins
FP-208E BP-240A Pin Name I/O Description
198 B6 AVss — Analog pow er supply (0 V)
199 A6 AN[0]/PTL[0] I A/D converter input / input port L
200 D5 AN[1]/PTL[1] I A/D converter input / input port L
201 C5 AN[2]/PTL[2] I A/D converter input / input port L
202 D4 AN[3]/PTL[3] I A/D converter input / input port L
203 A5 AN[4]/PTL[4] I A/D converter input / input port L
204 C4 AN[5]/PTL[5] I A/D converter input / input port L
205 A4 AVcc — Analog pow er supply (3.3 V)
206 B5 AN[6]/DA[1]/PTL[6] I A/D converter input /
D/A converter output / input port L
207 B3 AN[7]/DA[0]/PTL[7] I A/D converter input /
D/A converter output / input port L
208 B4 AVss — Analog pow er supply (0 V)
Notes: 1. Must be connected to the power supply even when the RTC is not used.
2. Except in hardware standby mode, all of the power supply pins must be connected to
the system power supply. (Supply power constantly.) In hardware standby mode, power
must be sup pli ed at least to VCC –RTC and VSS –RTC. If power is not being supplied to
any of the power supply pins other than VCC –RTC and VSS –RTC, hold the CA pin low.
3. 2.0 V for the 200 MHz model, 1.9 V for the 167 MHz model, 1.8 V for the 133 MHz
model, 1.7 V for the 100 MHz model.
4. When this LSI is used on the user system alone, without an emulator and the UD I, hold
this pin at high level. When this pin is low or open, RESETP may be masked (see
section 22, U ser De bugg ing Interfac e (UDI)).
5. B2, B1, C1, U1, V1, W1, V2, W2, W3, W17, W18, W19, V18, V19, B19, A19, B18, A18,
A17, A3, A2, and A1 are NC pins. Do not connect anything to these pins.
6. If EXTAL2 is not used, pull this pin up to the Vcc-RTC level.