UNIX Configuration
Specify the number of collated sets.
qty=number of collated sets (1 to 999)
❒This function is available only for PostScript 3 or PCL 5e.
❒Do not specify “qty” and “copies” commands at the same time.
The following sample shows how to print 10 copies using the collate function
(host name: “nphost”; file name: “file1”):
% rsh nphost print qty=10 < file1
% rcp file1 nphost:qty=10
ftp> put file1 qty=10
Duplex Printing
Specify whether to use duplex printing.
❒This function is available on Type 3 machines only. Check your machine type.
❒Before specifying the binding option, the duplex option must be set to on.
❒Data and paper volume affect the completion of the print job.
duplex=value of duplex printing
For more information about available paper size for duplex printing, see Gen-
eral Settings Guide.
The following sample shows how to set duplex printing (host name: “nphost”;
file name: “file1”):
% rsh nphost print duplex=on,binding=longedge < file1
% rcp file1 nphost:duplex=on,binding=longedge
Duplex printing Value
enable on
disable off