Specifying the Device Option
The following sample shows how to print using the ISO 4 character set (host
name: “nphost”; file name: “file1”):
% rsh nphost print symset=iso4 < file1
% rcp file1 nphost:symset=iso4
ftp> put file1 symset=iso4
ISO 69 iso69
ISO L1 isol1
ISO L2 isol2
ISO L5 isol5
Legal legal
Math-8 math8
MS Publ mspubl
PC-8 pc8
PC-850 pc850
PC-852 pc852
PC-8 D/N pc8dn
PC8-TK pc8tk
Pifont pifont
PS Math psmath
PS Text pstext
Roman-8 roman8
VN Intl vnintl
VN Math vnmath
VN US vnus
Win 3.0 win30
Win L1 winl1
Win L2 winl2
Win L5 winl5
Font Value