1. Place family members in the province spaces
Each of the 6 province spaces matches the color of the province on the board to which it belongs. The choice of province spaces determines which movement cards a player can take (Phase 2), and to which provinces he can deploy his family
members (Phase 3). Any number of family members from any number of players may occupy the same province space.
2. Choose movement cards
Each player must select 1 of the following actions:
2.1 Take a movement card from the face up display
A player may only take a card from the face up display if he has at least 1 family member in the province space next to the card. All family members stay in the province space. After a card is taken, turn up another immediately to complete the display again. If the supply stack is exhausted, shuffle the discards to form a new face down supply stack.
2.2 Take a dragon card
Instead of taking a movement card, a player can choose to take 1 of the face up dragon cards. However, to do this, he must also choose 1 family member to remove from any province space. This family member goes back to the box and is out of the game.
3. Move princes and deploy family members
On his turn, a player must choose 1 of the following 3 actions:
-3.1 move his prince,
-3.2 leave the prince where it stands, or
-3.3 pass.
When a player has carried out 1 of the 3 possible actions, the next player in clockwise order takes his turn. This continues until all players have passed.
3.1 Move the prince
The player must move his prince 1 or more steps. Each step must take the prince over a border into a directly adjacent district.
The player must pay for each step by playing either a movement card showing the means of transport pictured on the border his prince is currently crossing or a dragon card from his hand.
A player may move his prince into a district already containing another player’s prince, but he may not end his movement there. Rather, he must move his prince again to another neighboring district. When entering and leaving a district occupied by another player’s prince, the player must play an appropriate movement or dragon card as usual.
Place used movement cards onto the discard pile. Place used dragon cards on the dragon card stack.
The prince moves across a boundary with rider symbol. The player plays a rider card to pay for the movement.
Red may move his prince through the district with the green prince, but he must immediately move it into a neighbouring district. For both steps, the player must play a suitable card.