•The computer can access the Internet if you connect it directly to the router. If there is no Internet connection, troubleshoot the router or contact your ISP (Internet service provider).
Troubleshooting tips•Powerline products work better when plugged directly into the wall power outlet, not power strips, extension cords, surge protectors, or uninterruptable power supplies.
•If you’ve moved a powerline device or disconnected the cables, other network devices may need about five minutes to refresh their information about the powerline network’s current status.
•To test whether your home’s electrical wiring is contributing to powerline problems, plug units into power outlets in the same room.
Examples of wiring problems are:
•Old fuse boxes
•Old wiring that does not meet modern wiring building codes
•Swap powerline devices to determine whether one particular powerline device is causing the problem.
•Reset the powerline adapters to the factory default settings.
•For best performance, use the same brands and models of powerline devices throughout your network. Remember that one model’s software may not work for another model, especially remote and advanced features.
•We do not recommend that you use powerline networking in a businesses environment.