You can press FAMILY [√] or [®] either repeatedly (brief
presses) to go back or advance, or hold down [√] or [®] to
quickly select another family. The fastest way to scroll
through the available families is by holding down [√] while
pressing [®] (go backwards), or by holding down [®] while
pressing [√] (advance). The same methods are available for
the SELECT [√][®] buttons. As a reminder: the FAMILY buttons
are used for selecting groups, while the SELECT buttons allow
you to select items within a group.
If you prefer to use the numeric buttons, enter three fig-
ures (e.g. “001” for entry “1”). If you only enter two figures
(or only one), the E-200/E-100 takes slightly longer to pro-
cess your entry.
Note: If the number you enter lies beyond the last available
entry, the E-200/E-100 does not change.
Note: Enter “000” (or “0”) to select the USERSONG memory.
After selecting memory 101 (Flash) or 201 (first disk memory
[E-200 only]
), the display shows a flashing Yes message. You
can ignore this if you like, and proceed with the next step (or
you can press [YES/+] and then proceed).
Note: If you forgot to insert a floppy disk into the drive, the dis-
play shows “No Disk” when you attempt to select a file on
(5) After making sure that the correct song has been selected,
you can press [START÷STOP] (now called [®÷ª]) to load it
and immediately start playback.
The [V-LINK] button now flashes to indicate the tempo and
beats (BEAT function).
You can already select a new song while the current one is
still playing back. If you want to listen to it before the cur-
rent song is finished, stop playback by pressing
[START÷STOP], then press that button again. Otherwise, wait
until the current song is finished, then press the
[START÷STOP] button to start playback of the new song.
Note: Please bear in mind that starting playback of the selected
song on disk will erase the song in the USERSONG memory.
Be sure to save it to disk before proceeding (see p. 49).
(6) You can change the song tempo with the [NO/–]/[YES/+]
buttons or [TAP¥TEMPO].
Doing so, however, means that the tempo will still change if
the song you are playing back contains tempo change mes-
sages. Furthermore, every time you jump back to the begin-
ning or another position of the song using [|√], [º] or [‰], the
programmed song tempo is reset.
(7) Feel free to experiment with the STYLIST function (see
p. 20).
Note: In Song mode, the E-200/E-100 automatically selects the
PIANO SOLO keyboard mode. If you like, you can play along with
the song (and even use the Split or Dual part).
Note: In certain cases, the display may show the message XG
Light or GM2 rather than a Tone name. Such a message
means that the E-200/E-100 is using a Tone that cannot be
selected via the front panel. There are 798 such “hidden” Tones
whose sole purpose is to ensure XG/GM2 playback compatibility.
Additional playback functionsThe [INTRO], [ORIGINAL], etc. buttons have two functions: one in
Style mode (printed above the buttons), and another one in
Song mode (printed below the buttons).
Selecting the Song mode
The ARRANGER & SONG CONTROLS buttons have two functions:
they can be used for selecting Music Style patterns (when the
icon is displayed), or for Song navigation (when
the [SONG] button lights).
To select the Song mode (and the SONG CONTROL func-
tions), you need to press the [SONG] button. Only then will
the following functions be available.
Fast Forward, Rewind, and Reset
• To fast forward (jump to a measure later in the song), press
• To rewind (return to a measure that lies before the current
position), press [º].
The measure indication in the upper right corner of the dis-
play will help you locate the measure you need.
• Press [|√] (Reset) to jump back to the first measure of the
song. You need to stop playback before using the [|√] button.
Working with the FAMILY and SELECT buttons
E-200_US Page 17 Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:01 PM