Programming Styles (Style Composer)
E-60/E-50 Music Workstation
This function allows you to make quick changes to
certain settings. The changes always apply to entire
tracks (you cannot use GLOBAL CHANGE for just a
few measures). You can apply global changes to the
four editable Style track parameters (EXPRESS,
REVERB, PANPOT and CHORUS) when you notice that
the effect is too prominent or not strong enough.
You can also use it to “upgrade” older Styles to
ensure that they use the E-60/E-50’s new sounds.
■TRACK (ADrums~Acc6, ALL)
Allows you to select the track you wish to edit. You can
also select “ALL” here, in which case the operation applies
to all tracks.
Allows you to select the Mode to be edited: “Major”,
“minor”, “7th” or “ALL”.
Use this parameter to select the Division you want to edit:
Intro 1~4, Main 1~4, Fill Dwn 1~3, Fill Up 1~3, End 1~4
Press this field to reset all values on this page to their initial
state if you want to start again.
There are two kinds of changes that can be performed on
this page: FROM/TO and INC/DEC.
Enter the original data value (i.e. the value that is being
used right now by the selected track(s)) in the FROM col-
umn. For TO, specify the new value that should replace the
FROM value. These are what we call “absolute” changes:
you don’t add or subtract values, you replace them with
other values. This system is only available for messages that
allow you to select sounds or sound banks, namely:
● CC00 (---, 0~127, ALL)—This control change is the so-
called “MSB” bank select message. It allows you to select
the Capital Tone (select “0”) of a sound address if you
don’t want to use variations or to select another varia-
tion level. Select “---” if the current setting must not
● CC32 (---, 0~127, ALL)—This control change is the so-
called “LSB” bank select message. Select “---” if the cur-
rent setting must not change.
● PC (1~128)—Use this parameter to change the address,
a.k.a. program change number, of a sound (e.g. from “1”
to “2”).
These are so-called “relative” changes: the positive or nega-
tive value you set here will be added to or subtracted from
the original values of the selected track(s). Use these fields
to increase or decrease the existing values for the entire
selected track(s).
● Expression, Panpot Reverb, Chorus (–127~127)—These
parameters allow you to add (+) or subtract (–) a given
value to/from the current Expression, Pan, Reverb Send
or Chorus Send values. This may come in handy if the
realtime changes you recorded turn out to be too high
or too low.
● Alteration Mode (Nearest, Degree, ---)—This message
type is only available for melodic Style tracks (i.e. not for
ADrums or ABass tracks). Style tracks you only just
recorded do not contain it. It allows you to use a revolu-
tionary system for adapting the recorded notes to a
more natural behavior (also known as “voicing”). There
are two options:
Degree: This setting refers to the “old” system for real-
time conversion of track information during Style play-
back. Based on the fundamentals of the chords you play
during Arranger playback, it often leads to odd jumps of
certain parts.
Nearest: Refers to a new, more musical, system for real-
time shifts of the recorded Style notes during Arranger
playback. See also page 172 for an explanation of this
Select “---” if the selected pattern should ignore this set-
Note: This parameter is not available for: ADrums and ABass
tracks, Intro3 & 4 and End3 & 4 patterns.
Press this field to confirm your settings and edit the
SHIFT CLOCK allows you to shift the notes within the
selected FROM/TO range. See page 138 for details.
■TRACK (ADrums~Acc6, ALL)
Allows you to select the track you wish to edit. You can
also select “ALL” here, in which case the operation applies
to all tracks.
Allows you to select the Mode to be edited: “Major”,
“minor” or “7th”.
Use this parameter to select the Division you want to edit:
Intro 1~4, Main 1~4, Fill Dwn 1~3, Fill Up 1~3, End 1~4.
E-60_50_OM_UK.book Page 168 Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:06 AM