JM-5 MIDI Implementation
Patch Part parametersThe JM-5 has 19 Parts: 3 parts assigned to External In, and 16 parts for Songs.
For External part control, use the address [50 xx xx]
For Song part control, use the address [40 xx xx]
The 19 Parts are:
The relation between Part number and Block number is as follows.
In the following map, the control numbers of the control changes are indicated as CC#.
External In parts Song parts
Track Name MIDI channel Track Name MIDI channel SysEx X=
1Tone 1 1 1 Part 1 1 X= 1
2Tone 2 2 2 Part 2 2 X= 2
3Tone 3 3 3 Part 3 3 X= 3
4— —4Part 4 4 X= 4
5— —5Part 5 5 X= 5
6— —6Part 6 6 X= 6
7— —7Part 7 7 X= 7
8— —8Part 8 8 X= 8
9— —9Part 9 9 X= 9
10 — — 10 Part 10 10 X= 0
11 — — 11 Part 11 11 X= A
12 — — 12 Part 12 12 X= B
13 — — 13 Part 13 13 X= C
14 — — 14 Part 14 14 X= D
15 15 Part 15 15 X= E
16 — — 16 Part 16 16 X= F
x...BLOCK NUMBER (0~F) Part 1 (default MIDIch = 1) x=1
Part 2 (default MIDIch = 2) x=2
:: :
Part 9 (default MIDIch = 9) x=9
Part10 (default MIDIch =10) x=0
Part11 (default MIDIch =11) x=A
Part12 (default MIDIch =12) x=B
:: :
Part16 (default MIDIch =16) x=F
•n... MIDI channel number (0~F) of the BLOCK.
Address(H) Size(H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default Value (H) Description
40 1x 00 00 00 02 00~7F TONE NUMBER CC#00 VALUE 0~127 00 0
40 1x 01# 00~7F P.C. VALUE 1~128 00 1
40 1x 02 00 00 01 00~10 Rx. CHANNEL 1~16, OFF Same as the Part Number
40 1x 03 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. PITCH BEND OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 04 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. CH PRESSURE (CAf) OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 05 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. PROGRAM CHANGE OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 06 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. CONTROL CHANGE OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 07 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. POLY PRESSURE(PAf) OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 08 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. NOTE MESSAGE OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 09 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. RPN OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 0A 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. NRPN OFF/ON 00 (01*) OFF (ON*)
40 1x 0B 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. MODULATION OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 0C 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. VOLUME OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 0D 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. PANPOT OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 0E 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. EXPRESSION OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 0F 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. HOLD1 OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 10 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. PORTAMENTO OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 11 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. SOSTENUTO OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 12 00 00 01 00~01 Rx. SOFT OFF/ON 01 ON
40 1x 13 00 00 01 00~01 MONO/POLY MODE Mono/Poly 01 Poly
(=CC# 126 01/CC# 127 00)
40 1x 15 00 00 01 00~02 USE FOR RHYTHM PART 0 = OFF
1 = MAP1
2 = MAP2
00 atı 0
01 at x=0 OFF (Normal Part)
MAP1 (Drum Part)
•This parameter sets the Drum Map of the Part used as the Drum Part. The JM-5 can simultaneously (in different Parts) use up to two Drum Maps (MAP1,
MAP2). With the initial settings, Part10 (MIDI CH=10, x=0) is set to MAP1 (1), and other Parts are set to normal instrumental Parts (OFF(0)).
•Only for Song parts.
Address(H) Size(H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default Value (H) Description
40 1x 16 00 00 01 28~58 PITCH KEY SHIFT -24~+24 [semitones] 40 0 [semitones]
40 1x 17 00 00 02 08~F8 PITCH OFFSET FINE -12.0~+12.0 [Hz] 08 00 0 [Hz]
40 1x 18# Use nibblized data.
• PITCH OFFSET FINE allows you to alter, by a specified frequency amount, the pitch at which notes will sound. This parameter differs from the conventional
Fine Tuning (RPN #1) parameter in that the amount of frequency alteration (in Hertz) will be identical no matter which note is played. When a multiple number
of Parts, each of which has been given a different setting for PITCH OFFSET FINE, are sounded by means of an identical note number, you can obtain a
Celeste effect.
•Only for Song parts.
40 1x 19 00 00 01 00~7F PART LEVEL 0~127 64 100
(=CC# 7)
40 1x 1A 00 00 01 00~7F VELOCITY SENSE DEPTH 0~127 40 64
40 1x 1B 00 00 01 00~7F VELOCITY SENSE OFFSET 0~127 40 64
40 1x 1C 00 00 01 00~7F PART PANPOT -64 (Left)~+63 (Right) 40 0 (CENTER)
40 1x 1D 00 00 01 00~7F KEYBOARD RANGE LOW (C-1)~(G9) 00 C-1