Warning! Hot water and steam may cause burns! Direct the steam tube toward the drip tray.
Fill a cup to 1/3 with cold | Press the button to select |
milk. | the function. |
| The light is fl ashing. |
When the light is steadily lit, the machine is ready to release steam.
Open the knob to discharge | When only steam comes |
any residual water. | out, close the knob. |
Position the cup containing milk beneath the steam tube.
Open the knob to release steam.
Move the cup in a circular | After frothing the milk, | Remove the cup. |
fashion to heat the milk | close the knob. |
evenly. |
Press the button to restore the | Place a container beneath | Open the knob and di- | When lights remain steadily |
machine to normal operation. | the steam tube. | spense hot water. | lit, close the knob and |
Lights are fl ashing. |
| remove the lid. |
Dispense coffee into the cup to prepare a delicious cappuccino.