RDV-1050 DVD Player
To Adjust the Picture Quality
The VFP (Video Fine Processor) function al-
lows you to adjust the picture quality accord-
ing to the type of programming, picture tone
or personal preferences.
1During playback, press VFP
. The VFP
mode selection window appears on the TV
2Press /
13 33
to select the desired
preset. Each time you press the button, the
VFP mode changes as follows. Set the video
type most suitable to the current program
or the room conditions.
+ 4
+ 4
+ 3
+ 2
Selected preset
NORMAL: for watching TV in an average
CINEMA: for watching a movie in a room
with suppressed light.
USER 1 USER 2: you can adjust parameters
that affect the picture character and store the
settings as a user preset. See the next step.
3To define a user setting, press /
32 14
to select a parameter to be edited from the
GAMMA: Adjust this if the middle tones are
bright or dark. Available range: –4 (darkest)
to +4 (brightest). The dark and bright parts
of the picture are not changed by this con-
BRIGHTNESS: Adjust this if the picture is too
bright or dark overall. Available range: –16
(darkest) to +16 (brightest).
CONTRAST: Adjust this if there is too little
or too much contrast. Too little contrast pro-
duces pictures that lack very light or dark ar-
eas. Too much contrast produces pictures that
lack middle tones. Available range: –16 to
SATURATION: Adjust this if the picture is
whitish or blackish. Available range: –16
(blackest) to +16 (whitest).
TINT: Adjust this if the appearance of flesh
tones is unnatural. Available range: –16 to
SHARPNESS: Adjust this if the picture lacks
sharpness. Available range: 0 to +3.
Y DELAY: Adjust this if the red, blue and green
part of the picture looks “separated” or “over-
lapped”. This effect is sometime described as
color “ghosts” or “shadows” Available range:
–2 to +2.
4Press ENTER
. A window for setting pa-
rameters appears.
5Press /
32 14
to adjust the level of
the parameter. The higher value enhances
the effect.
6Press ENTER. Repeat steps 3 to 6 if you want
to set other parameters.
To turn off the VFP mode selection window press
NOTE: The window for VFP mode selection
and parameter setting disappears if no
changes are made within about 10 seconds.
Simply press the VFP-PROG SCAN button
, do not hold it down. If this button is
pressed and held for a few seconds, the
Progressive/Interlaced Scanning mode is
changed. (With the U.S. version of the
RDV-1050 the Progressive/Interlaced Scan-
ning mode is changed only if the REMOTE/
PSCN/INTL selector is set to REMOTE.)
Simulated Surround Sound
Using the VSS function, you can get a simu-
lated surround effect from your stereo system.
1During playback, press VSS
. The VSS
window appears on the TV screen.
2Press /
13 33
to select the desired
mode. Each time you press the button, the
VSS mode changes as follows:
ACTION: Suitable for action movies and
sports programs in which the sound source
DRAMA: Natural and warm sound. You can
enjoy movies in a relaxed mood.
THEATER: You can enjoy sound effects like
in a theater.
3Press /
32 14
to adjust the effect level.
You can set the effect level from 1 to 5. The
higher value enhances the effect.
To turn off the VSS window press the VSS button
NOTES: The VSS window disappears if no
changes are made within about 10 sec-
The VSS function works correctly only
when playing a DVD Video disc recorded
with Dolby Digital.
When playing back a DVD Video disc re-
corded with Dolby Digital that does not
contain the rear channel signal, changing
the VSS setting will not produce a true sur-
round sound effect.
The VSS function does not affect the
Dolby Digital bitstream signal from the
When the VSS function is active, the
ANALOG DOWN MIX setting in the
AUDIO setting display is not available.
When one of the VSS modes is activated,
the 3D indicator lights in the display win-
21 English
Checking the SamplingFrequency andQuantization Bit LengthYou can check the sampling frequency and
quantization bit length of digital audio during
playback. Press and hold down the AUDIO -
fs/Rate button
for a few seconds. The
sampling frequency and quantization bit length
of the current digital audio are shown in the
display window temporarily. When the audio
is recorded using a surround audio format, the
sampling frequency and quantization bit length
are shown for the front speakers.
Quantization bit length
Sampling frequency
The sampling frequencies indicated are as
follows: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, and 192
(kHz). Any figure below the first decimal place
is omitted in the display window.
NOTES: With some discs, NO INFO. may
appear instead of the sampling frequency
and quantization bit length.
The sampling frequency and quantization
bit length cannot be displayed with VR for-
mat discs.
Menu Bar FunctionsTo Display a Menu Bar
1With a disc is loaded, press ON SCREEN
. A status bar for the type of disc in-
serted will appear on the TV screen.
2Press ON SCREEN again. A menu bar for
the type of disc inserted will appear under
the status bar.
To turn off the menu bar and status bar press
ON SCREEN again.
The indicator on the right end of the menu bar
shows the status of the player:
– Playback mode.
– Stop mode.
– Pause mode.
– Fast forward/backward playback
– Slow-motion playback mode.
Basic Operation Procedure
1 Press /
13 33
to select the icon you
want to work with. The selected icon is in-
dicated by .
2Press ENTER
. With many icons an ap-
propriate pull-down window appears how-
ever, there are some exceptions.
NOTES: A mark or text on the menu icon
for the function or mode currently selected
is shown in green.
Some functions are not available during
playback. (You cannot move to the as-
sociated icon when it is not available.)
Menu Bar Functions for
Time Mode Selection
During playback, selects the time mode shown
in the display window and in the status bar.
to select the time mode from
the following.
TIME: Current track elapsed time
REM: Current track remaining time
TOTAL: Current group elapsed time
T.REM: Current group remaining time
Repeat Mode
Selects the repeat mode during playback.
1Open the pull-down window.
2Press /
32 14
to select the repeat
mode from the following.
TRACK: Current track repeat
GROUP: Current group repeat
A-B: A-B repeat
OFF: Repeat mode deactivated
3Press ENTER
to make the selected re-
peat function active.
Time Search
Specifies a time from the beginning of the cur-
rent title from which to begin playback.
Track Search
During playback, specifies a track to be played.
1Open the pull-down window.
2Press numeric buttons
(0 to 9) to enter
a desired track number. (For example, to
specify “10,” press 1, then 0.)
3Press ENTER
to begin playback from
the specified chapter.
Program Playback
While stopped, specifies the playback order
of tracks.
Random Playback
While stopped, activates random playback.
Audio Selection
During playback, selects the audio language
or sound track.
1Open the pull-down window.
2Press /
32 14
to select a desired audio
language or sound track.
3Press ENTER
to begin playback with
the selected audio.