ISP1362 OTG add-on eval kit with Intel PXA250/255 IDP rev. 4
Fig 6. BSQUARE IDP version 4
3. Installation
1. Copy the nk.bin file to a CompactFlash (CF) memory unit, and firmly insert the
ISP1362 OTG add-on card for the PXA250/255 IDP into connector J13 on the
2. Insert a PC card adapter with CF into either of the PC card slots in the BSQUARE
3. Switch ON the BSQUARE IDP, and wait for the CF memory to be reprogrammed.
4. Eject the PC card to reboot the BSQUARE IDP.
The ISP1362 evaluation kit with PXA250/255 IDP is now ready for testing.
For information on other ways to program the CF unit in BSQUARE IDP, refer to the
BSQUARE document Intel PXA250 Applications Processor Integrated Development
3.1 Setting up the Integrated Development Platform (IDP)
1. Boot the PXA250/255 IDP.
2. Follow the instructions according to the operating system installed on the IDP.
Fig 7 shows a setup of the ISP1362 OTG add-on card for PXA250/255 IDP.
Note: To play an MP3 file on an IDP, make sure the file is first uploaded to the IDP
through the Ethernet. For more information on how to upload a file, refer to the
BSQUARE document Intel PXA250 Applications Processor Integrated Development
UM10032_4 © ST-ERICSSON. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 04 — 12 October 2009 6 of 21