RuggedServer™ RS400
EMI and Environmental Type Tests
TEST | Description |
| Test Levels | Severity Levels | |
| Enclosure Contact | +/- 8kV | 4 |
| ||
| Enclosure Air | +/- 15kV | 4 | ||
| |||
IEC | Radiated RFI |
| Enclosure ports | 20 V/m | x |
| Signal ports | +/- 4kV @ 2.5kHz | x |
| D.C. Power ports | +/- 4kV | 4 |
IEC | Burst (Fast Transient) |
| A.C. Power ports | +/- 4kV | 4 | ||
| |||
| Earth ground ports 3 | +/- 4kV | 4 |
| Signal ports | +/- 4kV | 4 |
IEC | Surge |
| D.C. Power ports | +/- 2kV | 3 |
| A.C. Power ports | +/- 4kV | 4 |
| Signal ports | 10V | 3 |
| D.C Power ports | 10V | 3 |
IEC | Induced (Conducted) RFI |
| A.C. Power ports | 10V | 3 | ||
| |||
| Earth ground ports 3 | 10V | 3 |
IEC | Magnetic Field |
| Enclosure ports | 40 A/m continuous, 1000 A/m for 1 s | N/A |
| D.C. Power ports | 30% for 0.1s, 60% for 0.1s, 100% for 0.05s | N/A |
Voltage Dips & Interrupts |
| 30% for 1 period, 60% for 50 periods | N/A | |
| |||
| A.C. Power ports |
| 100% for 5 periods, 100% for 50 periods 2 | N/A | |
| |||
| Signal ports | 2.5kV common, 1kV diff. mode@1MHz | 3 |
IEC | Damped Oscillatory |
| D.C. Power ports | 2.5kV common, 1kV diff. mode@1MHz | 3 |
| A.C. Power ports | 2.5kV common, 1kV diff. mode@1MHz | 3 |
IEC | Mains Frequency Voltage |
| Signal ports | 30V Continuous, 300V for 1s | 4 |
| ||
| D.C. Power ports | 30V Continuous, 300V for 1s | 4 | ||
| |||
IEC | Ripple on D.C. Power Supply |
| D.C. Power ports | 10% | 3 |
| Signal ports | 2kVac | N/A |
IEC | Dielectric Strength |
| D.C. Power ports | 2kVac | N/A |
| A.C. Power ports | 2kVac | N/A |
| Signal ports | 5kV | N/A |
IEC | H.V. Impulse |
| D.C. Power ports | 5kV | N/A |
| A.C. Power ports | 5kV | N/A |
Test | Description |
| Test Levels | Severity Levels | |
IEEE C37.90.3 | ESD |
| Enclosure Contact | +/- 8kV | N/A |
| ||
| Enclosure Air | +/- 15kV | N/A | ||
| |||
IEEE C37.90.2 | Radiated RFI |
| Enclosure ports | 35 V/m | N/A |
| Signal ports | +/- 4kV @ 2.5kHz | N/A |
IEEE C37.90.1 | Fast Transient |
| D.C. Power ports | +/- 4kV | N/A |
| ||
| A.C. Power ports | +/- 4kV | N/A | ||
| |||
| Earth ground ports3 | +/- 4kV | N/A |
| Signal ports | 2.5kV common mode @1MHz | N/A |
IEEE C37.90.1 | Oscillatory |
| D.C. Power ports | 2.5kV common, 1kV diff. mode@1MHz | N/A |
| A.C. Power ports | 2.5kV common, 1kV diff. mode@1MHz | N/A |
| Signal ports | 2kVac | N/A |
IEEE C37.90 | Dielectric Strength |
| D.C. Power ports | 2kVac | N/A |
| A.C. Power ports | 2kVac | N/A |
Environmental Type Tests
Test | Description |
| Test Levels | Severity Levels | |
IEC | Cold Temperature |
| Test Ad | N/A | |
IEC | Dry Heat |
| Test Bd | +85°C, 16 Hours | N/A |
IEC | Humidity (Damp Heat, Cyclic) |
| Test Db | 95% | N/A |
| cycles | ||||
| |
IEC | Vibration |
| Tests Fc | 2g @ (10 - 150) Hz | Class 2 |
IEC | Shock |
| Tests Ea | 30g @ 11mS | Class 2 |
Notes: 1. Only applicable to functional earth connections separated from the safety earth connection.
2.Class 2 refers to "Measuring relays and protection equipment for which a very high security margin is required or where the vibration levels are very high,
5.( e.g. shipboard application and for severe transportation conditions")
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