Camera Connection Using CAT-5To connect the camera video and power using a single CAT-5 cable:
1. At each end of the cable, separate the brown and brown/white wires from the other pairs.
Leave enough length on the brown pair for splicing.
2. Crimp RJ-45 connectors on the remaining pairs as shown below.
3. Butt splice the camera power leads on the included adapter cable to the brown and brown/
white wires on the door station end of the CAT-5, observing the following polarity:
Polarity Camera Lead CAT-5 Wire 846C Lead
+ Red Brown White
– Black Brown/White Black
4. Cut the connector off the end of the output cable of a Russound 846C power supply. Butt
splice the power supply leads to the brown pair on the other end of the CAT-5, observing
polarity as shown above.
Note: Use only insulated butt splices approved for use according to applicable wiring codes.
5. Plug both RJ-45 connectors into Russound MOD-VB video baluns.
6. At the door station, plug a BNC-to-RCA adapter into the video balun. Connect the adapter to
the camera video lead of the adapter cable.
7. Plug the adapter cable into the multipin connector on the camera.
8. Connect the other video balun to a composite video input of a display or video distribution
RJ-45 Using T568A
Wiring Standard