Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards

has very limited features (it does not let you control the mouse pointer, for example). Discover:Board has a more sophisticated set of computer control functions than IntelliKeys, while IntelliKeys has better tools for designing overlays and associated activities (eg. IntelliPics & OverlayMaker). Therefore, Discover:Board may be a better choice if you want a keyboard to give the user independent control over the computer and easy access to common programs; while IntelliKeys has the advantage for creating your own educational activities.

Windows PC

A Concept Keyboard with Informax or Concept Plus software gives good computer control at a low price. The infra-red versions of the Concept Universal Plus and Touch ‘N’ Go are good choices for wheelchair users because no connecting cable is needed.

IntelliKeys has more facilities and features (switch sockets; better control over keyboard response), but at a higher cost.

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