Age Lower Limit (60%) Upper Limit (85%)
20 120 170
25 117 166
30 114 162
35 111 161
40 108 153
45 105 149
50 102 145
55 99 145
60 98 138
65+ 93 132
Please see Target Heart Rate Zone Chart to determine your target
heart rate.This is especially important for people who are over 35
years old,have a preexisting health problem or have been sedentary for
some time.Do not overexert yourself.
While the Target Heart Rate Zone Chart will help you exercise at the
proper intensity,the "breath test" helps you determine when you're
working too hard.Throughout your workout you should be able to carry
on a normal conversation without gasping for breath.If you start to
become short of breath,slow down.
NOTE:These heart rates are theoretical estimates based on scientific
research.Some individuals may have a maximum hear t rate that is
very different from the estimate in this chart and it may be
dangerous to exercise at the suggested heart rates.If you have a
heart problem,or a family histor y of heart disease,or if
you are taking heart or high blood pressure medications,
it is essential that you obtain medical advice from your
physician with regard to your safe and recommended
exercise heart rate zone.
MOVING THE WALKMILLIn its portable position the Walkmill™ is designed to move
easily throughout your home.For best results please follow these
simple guidelines:
NOTE:While moving,the Walking Deck should be in the
upright position.
1. Make sure that all the Power Controls are turned OFF and
that the Wheels are locked.
2. Move the Water Bottle Bracket to the other side of the
Handrail.If the Bracket is not moved, it will get in the way of
the Walking Deck when it is raised.
3. While gripping one of the Hand Grips with your left hand,
grip the Walking Deck with your right hand and raise it to the
upright position.You will hear a “click" once the Walking Deck
is securely in place.
NOTE:You must be able to safely lift 45 lbs.in order to
raise or lower the Walking Deck.
4. Once the Walking Deck is raised,unlock the Wheels and
move the Walkmill™ to the desired workout location.
5. Always grasp the Walkmill™ by the Hand Grips while moving
the Walkmill.™
6. Do not allow the electrical cord to drag on the floor.Secure
the electrical cord to the Hooks provided.
7. For maximum portability it is best to avoid deep pile and
shag carpeting.