MDR1248 and MDR1688 System Set-Ups
This system shows the
MDR1248 and MDR1688
connected to a pair of
powered speakers like
the SAMSON dB300a’s.
The AUX SEND 1 output
is connected, through a
Samson D2500 digital EQ
with feedback control, to
an external power amp,
which is driving 2 monitor
speakers. For inputs, two
microphones are con-
nected to channels 1 and
2’s low-impedance inputs,
and the output of the Bass
Direct Box is also connect-
ed to the low-impedance
input on channel 4. The
Keyboards, as well as the
Lead and Rhythm Guitar
signal processor's’ out-
puts, are connected to the
MDR1248 and MDR1688’s
line inputs.
MDR1248 and
MDR1688’s AUX SEND 1
connected to an external
monitor amp.