Cautions:•Always turn off your computer before connecting or disconnecting the joystick from the game port.
•When disconnecting the joystick from the computer, hold and gently pull on the connector plug. Do not pull the cable.
1.Turn off the computer, insert the joystick’s connector into game port A or B on your computer, then turn on the computer.
Note: If you have two joystick ports, you can use either one. How- ever, most software uses game port A for the primary joystick.
2.If you are using Windows95 or 98, configure and calibrate the joy- stick (see “Configuring/Calibrating the Joystick in Windows 95/98”), then load the game software according to the game's owner's man- ual.
3.Center the joystick if you are using it for the first time or after you use it for a while (see “Centering the Joystick” on Page 3).
(Turbo A)
(Turbo B)
4.Set C/D/TA/TB to C/D (for normal fire when you press a button) or to TURBO (for
5.Press the joystick onto the desk or table to secure it.
Configuring/Calibrating the Joystick in Windows 95/98
1.From the Start Menu, select Settings, click on Control Panel, then
2.Click on Add, select