(.txt) data) using the successfully established connection
Add Load TEXT(.txt) data of the path set in the File Navigation, co py
the data to the server PC and save the data onto the DB.
=>In an original text (.txt) data file, "," and "LineFeed" are used
as delimeters between cells that are determined during the Multi
Screen edit operation.
Registered files A window that shows DB information.
5. Socket : Supportable for SyncMaster 320PXn/400P(T)Xn/460PXn only
Socket You can register TEXT(.txt) data through S oc ket.
Nick Name You can name the nick name of a TEXT(.txt) data to be registered
so that it can be used for load and edit operation. (If you register
with the same nick name, the existing data, which has been
registered with the nick name, is replaced with the new one.)
Address Set an IP address to be registered.
Port Set a Port to be registered .
Connect Establish Socket connection using the registered nick name and
address. If the connection is successfully established, the ( ) Add
button on the side is activated.
Add Copy TEXT(.txt) data that is transmitted through socket to the
server PC and save the data onto the DB.
=>Data is transferred through the Socket as packets separated by
the length prefixed scheme.
ex) CX12abcdefghabcd
=>In an original text (.txt) data file, "," and "LineFeed" are used
as delimeters between cells that are determined during the Multi
Screen edit operation.
Name Size in
bytes Default
Value Comment
Protocol 1 C
code 1 X
Size 16
The size of message in byt e s not
including the header and size
It is written in ASCII character
Data Varies