My TV is out of order. | Why? | Try this. |
TV HD is displayed, but | • The visual quality may be degraded | • Check the transmitting signal of the |
the visual quality is not | when the broadcasting stations convert | corresponding cable TV network or |
good. | the analog signal to digital. (Although | broadcasting station. |
| you are watching digital broadcasting, |
| the video source is analog.) |
The picture on the | • This may occur when the broadcast | • Check the transmitting signal of the |
TV screen is broken | signal received by the TV is too weak | corresponding cable TV network or |
intermittently (a mosaic or | or unstable. | broadcasting station. |
distorted). |
| • If you are using a publically shared |
| antenna, check the signal by asking |
| your apartment manager. |
I cannot control the TV | • When the battery is flat. | • Replace the battery and then retry. |
using the remote control. | • When it is not in TV mode. | • Press the TV button on the remote |
| • When the remote control malfunctions | control to select TV mode. |
| temporarily. |
A strange sound is | • Sound may be generated by the | • Some noise can be heard due to the |
generated by the TV. | temporary swelling and shrinking of the | characteristics of the product. |
| plastics in the TV due to temperature |
| and humidity changes. |
| • Temporary electronic oscillation |
| sounds may be generated due to the |
| characteristics of the TV |