Adjusts of the monitor image color.
You can change the monitor color to your desired color.
!R- G - B
The process through which the colors of your choice are optimized and maintained. You will
find MagicTune™ extremely useful if you are one of those who wish to view images with
their full details accurately reproduced - including web images and ones produced by a
digital camera or scanner.
MagicColor is a new technology that Samsung has exclusively developed to improve digital
image and to display natural color more clearly without disturbing image quality.
1. OFF : Returns to the original mode.
2. DEMO : The screen before applying MagicColor app ears on the right and the screen
after applying MagicColor appears on the left.
3. Full : Displays not only vivid natural color but also more realistic natural skin color with
4. Intelligent : Displays vivid natural color with clearness.
5. MagicZone
"The MagicZone ensures the clear and sharp display of animated multimedia or
photo images by enhancing the brightness, sharpness, saturation, Hue of a
certain area on the screen. This offers an easy-to-use interface that highlights
the video-playing portion of your multimedia program by automatically detecting
and highlight the desired area by dragging.
"When the mouse cursor is activated( )and it is necessary to de-activate it to
use it for other tasks, right click your mouse, or put the activated cursor ( )on
the taskbar and click. When de-activated, the icon on the screen changes back
to the one shown before activation.
"Especially, MagicZone is appropriate to using the moving picture.
"Auto Detect : If you run the Movie in some players, MagicZone will
automatically get the play screen highlighted (it will be supported in players of
Gom, Adrenalin, KCP, Window Media, and Power DVD etc., )Some other
players also can be highlighted but could have some problems.
"Tusk menu
HUE Adjust the tint of the color.
Saturation Adjusts the color saturation.
Brightness Adjusts the Brightness.
Sharpness Adjusts the difference between the lightest and darkest areas of
the display.
Zone Off Turn off the zone that you have captured.
Reset Returns to the the default setting that vendor has set.
!Depending on the monitor models Color Control, Sharpness,
Contrast will not be adjustable in MagicColor mode of Full and
!MagicTune™ will be disappear if you excute MagicZone, and
closing the MagicZone after adjusting, will show the MagicTune™
(System Tray is Unhecked)
MagicTune™ will be disappear if you excute MagicZone, and
closing the MagicZone after adjusting. will not show MagicTune™
(System Tray is Checked)
!MagicColor mode will be different according to monitor models.
MagicZone mode will show if the monitor supports the function.
Gamma correction changes the luminance of the colors with intermediate luminance.